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Noosa students top subs in schools technology challenge

Noosa students top SUBS in Schools technology challenge

Queensland Year 11 students from Noosa District High School recently travelled to Adelaide to compete in the 'SUBS in Schools' South Australian state final as the only interstate team in the competition. Although ineligible to hold the South Australian title, the team was awarded first place and gained a valuable opportunity to share ideas and work with submarine engineers to solve complex multi-system problems.

The 'SUBS in Schools' program was developed by the Re-Engineering Australia (REA) Foundation in association with the former Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) and industry stakeholders to encourage project-based learning linked to STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and promote innovation and entrepreneurship in young Australians.

'SUBS in Schools' provided Noosa District students the chance to apply their academic prowess to a real world situation and, despite not having had the access to industry collaborations that some of the other Pilot schools did, due to their location, they delivered several researched and evaluated prototypes and plan to complete a fully operational submarine in the near future.

Find out more about the 'SUBS in Schools' program on REA's website and read about Noosa District High School's involvement in their August newsletter.

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Last updated: 16 Nov 2021