Quad chart workshop dates announced for queensland for may and june 2019
Quad Chart Workshop dates announced for Queensland for May and June 2019
Do you want to better position your company for potential defence contracts?
You're invited to register for one of our Quad Chart Workshops on the Gold Coast and in Rockhampton during May and June 2019.
The workshops teach proven techniques to help companies market themselves to defence and other prime contractors. These same techniques have been used by the international defence industry.
Upcoming Quad Chart Workshops:
- 28 May (Gold Coast) – register now
- 5 June (Rockhampton) – register now
Similar workshops conducted in recent years were sold out well before the event, so ensure you secure your place now.
Each workshop covers:
- why early positioning is so important and how to achieve it
- how to differentiate yourself from your competitors
- how to improve your client focus
- writing tips
- typical Quad Charts structures
- using available space effectively
- applying persuasive writing to develop compelling Quad Charts.
Attendance cost $50 (includes GST and booking fee) and catering is provided. Each session is limited to 20 attendees, with one registrant per company.
The workshops will be presented by Industry Capability Network Queensland and BidWrite - specialists in helping businesses across a range of industries, particularly defence.
Our Quad Chart Workshops are part of a series of defence business capability development events held through the year.
Last updated: 16 Nov 2021