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Support for businesses impacted by covid 19 story

Support for businesses impacted by COVID-19

There are a range of initiatives available to support businesses impacted by COVID-19 and help reinvigorate our economy as we emerge from the pandemic.

Following its initial rescue package commitments, the Queensland Government has launched the first stage of the state’s economic reset – The Queensland Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs.

This comprehensive strategy to help the state recover from COVID-19 has a focus on backing Queensland jobs across three key areas – building vital infrastructure, strengthening our industries and enabling future growth.

For a full list of the support initiatives offered by the Queensland Government to local businesses, please refer to

At the Commonwealth level, the Centre for Defence Industry Capability provides a range of grants for defence industry to help SMEs grow their capacity to meet defence capability needs and join global supply chains. 

An Industry Support Cell has also been established within the Department of Defence’s COVID-19 Taskforce. Its purpose is to help the industry respond to COVID-19 by connecting businesses with the latest government response efforts and opportunities.

Other Federal Government initiatives that may be of help to your business during this time are:

More information

Learn more about the Queensland Government’s COVID-19 Unite and Recover actions, including the latest updates and announcements.

Visit the State Government and Australian Government sites to stay up to date on support and advice for businesses.

The Department of Defence website has a range of useful information for defence industry partners and is updated regularly.

Last updated: 16 Nov 2021