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Defence-related programs

A number of programs have been established to help build Australia's defence industry:

  • Industry Capability Programs Defence is committed to delivering a stronger defence industry to provide and deliver critical capabilities to Defence. Industry programs support major Defence capability projects and sustainment activities.
  • The Defence and Industry Study Course (DISC) has been designed to help participants develop a better understanding of both Defence and industry in order to improve Australia's defence industry capabilities. The course delivers defence and industry executives an intimate understanding of defence business while improving the collective knowledge of Australia’s defence industry. Not only does the course offer the opportunity to share ideas, collaborate and realise best practice, it also forms the keystone to forging better business contacts.
  • The Defence Materials and Technology Centre (DMTC) develops and delivers new materials technologies and manufacturing processes to enhance Australia's defence capability. It does so through a collaborative partnership between Defence, industry and research organisations.
  • Industry Skilling Program Enhancement package (ISPE) consists of a series of initiatives that aim to expand the pool of skilled workers from which defence industry can recruit, enhance work and career pathways and address specific skills gaps in defence industry capability.

Last updated: 03 May 2024